Why Marijuana contains THC

Some people believe that the Marijuana plant has developed THC to keep water away from its flowers, so that mold can not kill the part of the plant that makes the seeds, so it is thought to be a defense mechanism against water, that just so happens to effects humans the way it does.
Maybe that’s why it’s there, maybe that’s how it got there in the first place.
But it has been with us for a long time, and I think that there is another reason it is here now. It knows that we enjoy being high, it understands that we will plant its seed, protect it, and harvest it, if it produces a strong chemical signal through cannabinoids.
I think it feels like it needs us to survive since we have taken over the planet, and more-so now since half of the humans love the plant, while half of the humans hunt it, as if it has done some terrible crime against humanity. (Less than half hunt, and over half smoke in the world. But somehow the hunters still get their way)
I think the Marijuana plant contains THC, at least partially, because it wants to survive and it wants us to love it so that it can.

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